store/shop 商店

retailer 零售商
We are a fashion clothing retailer.

shopping 購物

merchandise 商品


shopping cart 手推車


price 價錢
A rapid rise in prices soon eventuated in mass unemployment. 價格的快速上漲很快就導致了大量的失業。

bargain 討價還價
This is bargain. 這是很棒的優惠。

buy 買

sell 賣

installments 分期付款
You can pay in installments. 你可以分期付款。

charge 費用 (n.)、收費(v.)
The charge of the service was fifty dollars. 這項服務的費用是50美元。
We are going to charge you fifity dollars. 我們要向你收取50美元。

full refund 全額退款

sale 特價

color tag sale 照色標特價
Liked in the States, maybe the most common is a red tag sale. 像在美國最常見到的就是紅標特價。

promotions / clearance 促銷
What kind of promotions do you see inside the store? 你會在店內看到什麼樣的促銷活動?
I thought this item was on sale. I found it on the clearance rack. 我以為這項商品在特價。我是在清倉的貨架上找到的。


20% off 打八折
Excuse me, but I thought this item was 20% off. 不好意思,我以為這項商品是打8折。
Friend us on Facebook, and you get 10% off. 在我們的臉書打卡,將可以獲得9折優惠。

buy one, get one free 買一送一

buy 3 and get 30% off 買3樣產品打7折

buy 2, each additional one is 50% off 買2件商品,第三件起5折


liquidation sale 清倉大拍賣

everything must go 全部清倉

goint out of business sale 結束營業大拍賣

free of charge 免費
Your camera is still under warranty so it can be replaced free of charge. 你的相機仍在保固期內,所以可以免費更換一台。

promotion code 促銷代碼

coupon 折價券
The coupon is not valid if detached. 折價券撕下無效。

discount coupon 優惠券
Please respond to this message by Friday to receive discount coupons. 請在星期五前回覆此訊息以獲得優惠券。

membership 會員資格
I've already paid my membership dues. 我已經繳交我的會員費了。

mebership card 會員卡

rewards program 紅利點數

checkout 結帳 (尤指網購)
The delivery price will be provided at checkout. 運費在結帳時會顯示出來。

payment options 付款方式

cash 現金

credit card 信用卡

gift card 禮物卡

gift certificate 禮券


shipping cost 運費

delivery methods 運送方式

carrier 貨運公司

package 包裹

order status 訂單狀態

destination 目的地


Where did you get it? 你在哪裡買這東西的?

I'd gladly pay more for something if it's of high quality. 如果它是高質量的東西,我很樂意多付一點錢。




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