time 時間
Hey, isn't time to go home? 嘿,是不是該回家了?
It's easy to lose track of time. 容易忘記時間。

clock 時鐘


hour 小時

rush hour 尖峰時段

sharp 整點
The meeting is at seven o'clock sharp! 會議在7點整!

at 3 o'clock

at 6 p.m 在下午6點
I finished my work at 6 p.m. I stayed and did some extra work. 我工作到6點。我留下來加了一點班。

morning 早上
I usually wake up 9:00 at the morning. 我通常在早上九點起床。
補充:昨天早上只能用 yesterday morning,不能用last morning。因為 last 有可能是在說今天早上而不是昨天早上。


at noon 中午

afternoon 下午
I seldom take a nap in the afternoon. 我很少在下午小睡片刻。

evening 傍晚
Yoyo always goes jogging in the evening. 佑佑總是在傍晚時慢跑。

night 晚上
Adam likes to take a shower at night. 亞當喜歡在晚上洗澡。
Everything in life is temporary, even bad days or sleepless night. 生活中所有的一切都只是暫時的,包括烏雲密布的日子或輾轉難眠的夜晚。


yesterday 昨天

today 今天

tonight 今晚
Would you like to go out with me tonight? 你今晚要不要跟我出去?

tomorrow 明天
They had to cancel tomorrow's game because of the bad weather. 因為壞天氣的關係,他們必須取消明天的比賽。
Don't lose hope. You never know what tomorrow will bring. 不要失去希望。你永遠不知道明天會帶來什麼。


week 星期
Do you think we can put it off until the same time next week? 你覺得我們能延到下週的同一時間嗎?

weekday 平日

Monday 周一

Tuesday 周二
The project must be finished by next Tuesday. 這個專案必須在下周二前完成。

Saturday 星期六

Sunday 星期日

weekend 周末
She goes out for partying with her friends every weekend. 她每個週末都出去跟朋友聚會。
Can I stay until the weekend? 我可以待到下周末嗎?


month 月
The well-known saxophone player Thomas Winthrop is currently busy rehearsing for his upcoming concert in Guam at the end of this month. 知名的薩克斯風演奏家湯瑪斯·溫斯羅普正忙著排演即將在本月底在關島所舉行的音樂會。
The company director announced that Coleen Reyes will be overseeing the branch for a couple of months while our manager is away on vacation. 公司董事宣布卡林·雷耶斯將在我們的經理外出度假時監督該部門幾個月。
補充:a couple of 幾個

October 十月
Wayne was born on October 2. 韋恩在10月2日出生。

year 年
Clover Cosmetics decided to modify its advertising campaign after suffering a significant decline in sales last year. 在去年慘痛的銷售業績下降後,三葉草化妝品公司決定調整他們的廣告活動。
I have been living in Canada for almost five years. 我在加拿大生活了將近五年。

decade 十年
Over the last several decades, environmental specialists have proposed various strategies aim at slowing down this process of deforestation in developing countries. 過去幾十年來,環境專家提出了各種在發展中國家減緩破壞森林的策略。


period 時期
This particular period is the key to determining whether children can smoothly achieve academic performance.

century 世紀
This custom has been handed down since the 18th century. 這風俗從十八世紀開始流傳下來。
補充:custom 習俗,hand down 流傳


punctual 準時的

on time 準時
They have to work on time, perform their jobs correctly, satisfy the requirement from their boss, and effectively arrange their work as well as study, for example. 例如,他們必須準時工作,正確地執行工作,滿足老闆的要求,並有效地安排工作和學習。
I was just on time. 我剛好趕上。

plenty of time 時間充裕


rush 趕

hurry to 匆忙
I hurried to my office. 我匆忙趕到辦公室。
補充: http://blogs.teachersammy.com/Blogs/entry/hurry-to-turn-off-the-stove#.XsmJZWgzZhE

immediately 立即地
If someone asks me to take down their photo, I do immediately. 如果有人要我立刻撤下他們的照片,我會馬上撤下。


late 晚了
I was 10 minutes late. 我遲到了10分鐘。

detain 延遲、耽擱
I won't detain you any longer. 我不會再耽擱你了。

at the latest 最遲
Please e-mail me the completed assignment by Friday afternoon at 4 at the latest. 請在星期五下午4點前將完成的作業用電子郵件寄給我。


qutie a while 一段時間

in ages 很長一段時間
I haven't seen him in ages. 我很久沒見到他了。


to date 至今

from now on 從現在開始

seize the day 把握光陰
Seize the day, for fleeting youth never return. 把握當下,青春一去不復返。

twenty-four seven 全年無休、時時刻刻
Oh, I work twenty-four seven. 我時時刻刻都在工作。


到底是 in the weekend 還是 on the weekend?一次搞懂 in、on、at 的用法! https://www.managertoday.com.tw/english/view/56205


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