single 單身

bachelor 單身漢


woo 追求

love at first sight 一見鍾情
Do you believe in "love at first sight"? 你相信一見鍾情嗎?

feeling 感情
She was guided by feeling rather than thought. 她被感情而非理智所支配。

love 愛
Stand by me,if you love me. 如果你愛我,就站在我這邊。

puppy love 初戀


boyfriend 男朋友

girlfriend 女朋友
I have a girlfriend, and we are puppy love. 我有女朋友,而且我們是彼此的初戀。

lovers / couples 情侶
Wayne and Seami are lovers. 韋恩和海咪是戀人。
The neighborhood is a mixture of young couples, retirees and single professionals. 社區居民有年輕夫婦、退休人士、單身專業人士。

date 約會
When people go on dates, who should pay, the man or the woman? 誰該在約會時付錢,男士或女士?

get married 結婚

marriage 婚姻
I think their marriage is on the rocks. 我認為他們的婚姻瀕臨瓦解。
補充:on the rocks 瀕臨崩潰

husband 丈夫

wife 妻子
My wife has been the pivot of my life. 我的妻子是我生活的中心。

spouse 伴侶

anniversary 週年紀念日

devotion 忠誠堅貞
The girl's selfless devotion was a source of constant happiness to him. 這個少女無私的奉獻使他永遠快樂。

family / household 家庭
My income is not sufficient to support my family. 我的收入不夠養活家人。
補充:income 收入,sufficient 足夠的

baby / inpant 嬰兒
The expectant father is thinking of buying infant clothes. 那個即將做爸爸的人正在考慮買嬰兒穿的衣服。
My infant for once lay quiet in his cradle. 我的嬰兒這一次總算安靜的躺在搖籃裡。

child 孩子
Don't  enforce your will on the child, please. 請別把你的意願強加給這孩子。
Children's memory of past events grows once children can answer questions about what it means to know and remember. 一旦孩子可以回答有關過去記得的問題,他們對於過去事件的記憶就會增長。

kid 孩子
補充:child 和 kid 的差異可參考此篇文章

father-child 父子

mother-child 母子


grandparents 祖父母

grandfater 祖父
My grandfather comes to see me from time to time. 我的爺爺偶爾會來看我。

grandmother 祖母
The person that influenced me the most is my grandmother, she is a good listener who always pay attention to what I want to say, so I don't have any secret in front of her. 影響我最深的人是我的祖母,她是一個好的聆聽者並仔細聽我說的東西,所以在她面前,我沒有任何秘密。

cheat on 劈腿
Susan's boyfriend has been cheating on her. 蘇珊的男友背叛了她。

two-timing 腳踏兩條船

divorce 離婚


Sally will be glad if you go to see her in person. 如果你單獨去找莎拉,她會很高興的。

He returned home for the first time in ten years. 他十年來第一次回家。

My error you, error extremely precious extremely real happiness. 我錯失了你,錯失了最珍貴、最真實的感情。


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