plane / airplane / aero planes飛機
Can my family and I sit together on the plane? 我和我的家人在飛機上可以做在一起嗎?
補充:plane 和 airplane 的意思相同,

airport 機場
The city will appropriate funds for the new airport. 該座城市將為新機場撥款。
補充:appropriate 撥款


airways / airline 航空公司

low cost carrier / low cost airline 廉價航空


transfer 轉機

layover 中途短暫停留


booking 訂位

airfare 機票
How much is round-trip airfare to Japan? 去日本的來回機票要多少錢?
補充:round-trip 來回的、雙程的

seat sale 機票促銷

flight 班機
Do you have a direct flight? 你們有直航班機嗎?
We offer a special discount on our flights to 50 destinations of the world. 只要搭乘我們的班機,即可享有特別的折扣。
補充:direct flight 直飛航班,red-eye flight 紅眼航班( 深夜至凌晨時段的航班 )

first class 頭等艙
補充:一般代號為 F

business class 商務艙
The ticket price is $235. You can also upgrade to business class for an additional $100. 票價是235元。你可以加100元升級成商務艙。

economy class 經濟艙
No, thank you. Economy class is fine. 謝謝,不用了。經濟艙就好。
We always fly in economy to save money. 為了省錢,我們經常搭經濟艙。
補充:一般代號為Y。economy 在這裡為 economy class 的縮寫


destination 目的地
Hawaii is a popular tourist destination. 夏威夷是一個熱門的觀光景點。
Could I change the destination? 我可以更換目的地嗎?


counter 櫃檯
Excuse me. Is this the counter for American Airlines? 不好意思。這是美國航空的櫃檯嗎?

kiosk 多媒體自助機台
Ok. Just enter the code here, and the kiosk will print out your boarding pass. 好的。只要在這裡輸入代號,多媒體自助機台就會列印出你的登機證。


aisle 走道
Could I have an aisle seat near the front? Is there an extra charge for that? 我可以選前段靠走道的位子嗎?需要額外付費嗎?

seat 座位
Can I have a window seat? 我可以選靠窗的位置嗎?
Can I have a seat with more leg room? 我可以選一個可以伸腿的位置嗎?


travel agency 旅行社
Amanda had to overcome a variety of difficulties when she decided to open her own travel agency a few years ago. 阿曼達在幾年前決定開設自己的旅行社時,不得不克服各種困難。
補充:a variety of difficulties 各種困難


check in 報到

boarding 登機

passport 護照
Please give me your passport and tax-free forms. 請給我你的護照及退稅單。


luggage 行李

checked baggage 托運行李

carry-on 手提行李

excess baggage fee 超重行李費


banned items 禁帶物品

customs 海關


travel abroad 出國旅遊
You should polish your English before you travel abroad. 出國前你應該把英文磨練一下。

foreign 國外 (adj.)
If you could live in foreign country for one year, where would you like to live? 如果你可以在國外住一年,你想住在哪裡?


first officer 副機師

attendant 服務員
Andrea asked a flight attendant for a cup of water. 安德烈向空乘人員要一杯水。

flight attendant 空姐

I will go to United State in July next year.

It was apparent that he was in no condition to travel. 很明顯的,他的健康狀況不宜旅行。
補充:apparent 明顯的,condition 條件


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