weather 天氣
The expedition encountered adverse weather conditions. 探險隊遇到了惡劣的氣候條件。
補充:adverse 不利的

weatherman 天氣預報員
What did the weatherman say? 天氣預報員說了什麼?

temperature 溫度
The difference in temperature between the day and the night there is thirty degrees. 那裡白天與黑夜的溫差是三十度。


climate 氣候
Anna hasn't yet adapted to the cold climate. 安娜還沒適應這種寒冷的氣候。
The influence of climate on crops are self-evident. 氣候對作物的影響是不言而喻的。
補充:self-evident 不言而喻的

temperate climate 溫帶氣候

semi-arid climate 半乾旱氣候

microclimate 微氣候


sunny day 晴天

sun shines 陽光普照
If the sun shines all day, it gets hot. 如果一整天都大太陽,天氣會很熱。

ultraviolet 紫外線

overheat 過熱

desiccation 乾燥


cloudy 多雲的
The day will be cloudy with a slight chance of rain later tonight. 今天稍晚的時候將會是陰天且有些許機會下雨。
補充:slight chance of rain 些許機會下雨


humidity 濕度

moisture 濕氣

rain 下雨
If it rains tomorrow, I will stay inside the room. 如果明天下雨,我會待在房間裡。
The rain discouraged us form going out. 雨打消了我們外出的念頭。
The rain had set in for the day, so we canceled our trip to the beach. 雨下了一整天,所以我們取消去海灘的旅行。
補充:set in指"雨、惡劣的天氣到來"

rainfall 雨量
There was a water shortage after 12 months of lower than average rainfall. 在連續12個月的降雨量低於平均降雨量後,出現了缺水的現象。
補充:water shortage 缺水

precipitation 降雨量

raindrop 雨滴

drizzle 毛毛雨
You'd better take an umbrella, it's drizzling outside. 你最好帶一隻傘,因為外面正在下毛毛雨。

thundershower 雷陣雨

afternoon shower 午後陣雨

monsoon rain 季風雨

pouring rain 傾盆大雨

downpour 豪雨

rainstorm 暴風雨

stormy 暴風雨
For your safety, don't swim in oceans or rivers during a typhoon or stormy. 為了你的安全起見,颱風或暴風雨來襲期間不要在海邊或河邊游泳。


hail 冰雹
Hail is a meteoric phenomenon. 冰雹是一種大氣現象。
補充:phenomenon 現象

snow 雪

snowfall 降雪

avalanche 雪崩


lightning 閃電

thunder 打雷


earthquake 地震
Rumours of an imminent earthquake started a panic. 有關即將發生的地震的謠言引起了一陣恐慌。
補充:rumour 謠言、傳聞,imminent 逼近的、即將來臨的

flood 洪水

tsunami 海嘯
It took some coastal towns several years to recover from the tsunami. 這場海嘯讓某些沿海城市花了好幾年的時間才恢復。


volcanic eruption 火山爆發
Scientists use many techniques to predict volcanic eruption. 科學家們使用許多技術來預測火山爆發。


global warming 全球暖化

drought 旱災


air quality 空氣品質
The air quality is really bad today. 今天的空氣品質非常糟。

air quality Index 空氣品質指標
New reports said today's AQI is 300.
ps. AQI為簡寫

air pullution 空氣汙染


typhoon 颱風
Will the picnic be held as scheduled? 野餐會如期舉行嗎?
I'm not sure. A typhoon is coming. 我不確定,因為颱風即將到來。

tornado 龍捲風
A tornado can have wind speeds of 400kmh. 龍捲風的風速可達400一小時400公里。


famine 饑荒

annihilate 消滅

a nature disaster 天災





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