enemy 敵人
Our intelligence shows that the enemy is advancing. 我們的青報顯示敵人正在向前推進。
補充:intelligence 情報
The enemy were compelled to lay down their arms. 敵人被迫放下武器。
補充:compel 強迫(v.)
gang 幫派
Fights among rival gangs account for most murders in the city. 這座城市中,絕大多數兇殺案件都是敵對幫派之間的鬥毆所引起。
補充:rival 對手
underworld 黑社會、下層社會、死後世界
That quiet man was an underworld kingpin. 那位安靜的人是個黑社會老大。
補充:kingpin 頭目
violence 暴力
Crimes of violence carry heavy penalties. 暴力犯罪將受到重罰。
assault 突擊/攻擊
ban 禁止(v.)、禁令(n.)
Over ninety countries ratified an agreement to ban the use of these chemicals. 超過九十個國家批准了一項禁止使用這些化學品的協議。
We have put a ban on smoking. 我們已禁止吸菸。
counter 違反 (v.)
mistake 錯誤
You continue making same mistakes time after time. 你一次又一次地犯同樣的錯誤。
illegally 非法
illegal 非法的
All he has done is illegal. 他所做的一切都是非法的。
Abortion is illegal in some states in USA. 在美國的一些州,墮胎是違法的。
sin 罪
crime 犯罪(n.)
Severe punishment is a strong deterrent to crime. 嚴重的懲罰是對犯罪的強力威嚇。
murder 謀殺
His evidence really adds up to this: he didn't murder the man. 他的證據確實證明了這一點:他並沒有謀殺這名男子。
mob 暴民
The angry mob outside the jail were ready to riot. 監獄外憤怒的暴民準備鬧事。
drug 毒品(n.)、吸毒(v.)
All government should make a concerted effort to shop the drug trade. 各國政府應協調一致努力阻止毒品交易。
補充:藥品跟毒品的用字區分 https://www.eisland.com.tw/Main.php?stat=a_Xklt8LQ&mid=
casino 賭場
gamblinig 賭博 (n.)
pornography 色情
chase 追捕
Being chased by police would adrenalinize anybody. 被警察追趕時, 任何人都會膽戰心驚.
suspect 嫌疑犯
criminal 犯人
A large rewards is offered for the capture of the criminals. 這筆巨額獎金提供給捕捉到罪犯的人。
What should be done with the criminal once he has been caught, tried, and convicted. 當罪犯被逮捕、審判和判刑時,應該對他做什麼。
defendant 被告
lawyer 律師
The lawyer's compelling arguments convinced the jury of the defendant's innocence. 律師令人信服的論據使陪審團相信被告是無辜的。
補充:compelling argument 令人信服的論點,innocence 無辜
jury 陪審團
court 法院
judge 法官
fine 罰金(n.)、罰款(v.)
The judge censured the driver but didn't fine him. 法官責備了司機但沒有罰他錢。
補充:censure 指責
penalty 罰款、懲罰(n.)
Penalties are correctives of immoral conduct. 處罰是不道德行為的糾正措施。
bribe 賄賂
jail 監獄
He went to jail for drunken driving. 他因酒後開車入獄。
The police carted him off to jail. 警察把他押送去監獄。
prisoner 囚犯