financial 金融
They had got into financial difficulty. 他們陷入財政困難。
There had been financial panics before, and there have been some since, but never did a collapse in the market have such a devastating and long-term effect. 過去也曾發生過金融恐慌,後續也發生過幾次,但從未有造成市場如此嚴重且長期影響的股市崩塌。
補充:financial panic 金融恐慌,collapse 崩塌,devastating 破壞性的

economic 經濟
The economic of the country was at a low ebb. 該國的經濟處於衰退階段。
My friends bailed me out with economic aid. 我的朋友們幫助我脫離經濟困境。

stationary 穩定的
The rate of inflation has been stationary for several months. 通貨膨脹率已經幾個月保持不變了。


insurance 保險
The insurance company has settled her claim. 保險公司已經清償了她的索賠款額。
A representative called to notify the manager that the office fire insurance policy expires on May 30. 一位代表打電話通知經理,辦公室的火災保險單於5月30日到期。

stock 股票
Oil stocks took a dive on the stock market. 石油股票在股市中大跌。
On Oct. 24, 1929, the collapse of the stock market began; about 13 million shares of stock were sold. 1929年10月24日,股市全面崩盤,差不多有1300萬股的股票被拋售。

equity 股票

shareholder 股東
The shareholder's meeting has been scheduled regulary every three months. 股東會議已被排定每三個月開一次。


trade 貿易
Yes, he has engaged in international trade. 是的,他從事國際貿易。
補充:trade war 貿易戰

transaction / trade off 交易

commercial district 商業區


money 錢

monetary 貨幣

cash 現金
I want to pay by cash. 我想用現金付款。

fortune 財富
His father made a fortune out of shoes. 他的父親是經營鞋子而致富。

debit card 金融卡

credit card 信用卡

deposit 存款
It's the safest to deposit your money in the bank. 錢存入銀行是最安全的。

withdraw 提款
I'm going to withdraw some money from bank. 我準備去銀行領錢。

check 支票
This is the check for you. 這是給你的支票。

inherit 繼承


budget 預算(n.)、編列預算(v.)
Because of tight budget, we can't afford to go on vacation this summer. 由於預算緊縮,我們無法負擔這個夏天的旅行。
She tried to keep her monthly budget below $400. 她試圖將每個月的開支現在在400美元以下。
If you want to balance the budget, always avoid buying unnecessary office supplies. 如果你想要平衡預算,盡量避免買不必要的辦公室用品。
補充: avoid 避免(v.),後面接動名詞

expenses 支出
He kept a careful record of all expenses. 他仔細記錄了所有開支。

cut spending 削減支出

bill 帳單
May I have the bill, please? 可以給我帳單嗎?

tax 稅
Recent bills show an increase in local business taxes. 最近的帳單顯示當地的營業稅增加。

accounting 會計
Ms. Hilburn will teach the accounting course for new employees while the financial manager attends the conference. 

invoice 發票
Can I download invoice information and print it out? 我可以下載帳單明細並列印嗎?


afford 負擔

depreciate 貶值

slump 不景氣、暴跌
I tell you a bitcoin slump is coming! 我告訴你,比特幣即將衰退!

unstable 不穩定
The price of gasoline is unstable. 汽油的價格不穩定。

inflation 通貨膨脹
With inflation at 500 percent, the country faces a crisis of confidence. 通貨膨脹率已達到500%,該國正面臨著信任危機。
The flight against inflation has been going on for almost two years. 對抗通貨膨脹的抗鬥已經接近兩年了。


fell in the fiscal 財政陷入困境

hardship 財務困苦

loan 貸款

debt 債務
She paid all her debts to the last penny. 她還清了所有債務,分文不欠。
He had finally cleared off the debt. 他終於償還了債務。

bankrupt 破產



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