barbershop 男士理髮廳
His barbershop was an immense success. 他的理髮廳生意十分興隆。
haircut 剪髮
You ought to have a haircut. 你應該去理髮了。
trim 修剪
I asked the barber for a trim. 我叫理髮師把我的頭髮修剪一下。
shave 刮鬍子
Do you need a haircut? 你需要剪頭髮嗎?
I just want to get a shave. 我只想要刮鬍子。
shampoo 洗髮精、洗頭
If I go more than a day without shampoo, my hair is a great pot. 如果我超過一天沒洗頭,我的頭髮就會像油壺一樣。
prem 燙髮
Good afternoon. I got an appointment for a perm at four o'clock. 午安。我預約了四點的燙髮。
Is your daughter's hair naturally curly or has she had a perm? 你女兒的頭髮是自然捲還是燙的呢?
dye 染髮
Didn't you notice? She has dyed her hair. 你沒注意嗎?她染頭髮了。
I'm considering dyeing my hair orange. 我正在考慮要把頭髮染成橘色。
highlights 挑染
Have you got highlights? 妳有做過挑染嗎?
make-up / cosmetic 化妝品
Are you wearing make-up today? 妳今天有化妝嗎?
Nowadays, a lot-of teenage girls like to wear heavy make-up. 現在的年輕女孩喜歡畫濃妝。
I'm putting on some make-up. 我正在化妝。
As a pioneer in the cosmetic industry, we have a proven record of performance in product safety and markerability. 身為化妝品行業的龍頭,我們在產品的安全及市場的銷售表現有目共睹。
fundation 粉底
concealer 遮瑕膏
mascara 睫毛膏
eyeliner 眼線筆
eyeshadow 眼影
blush 腮紅
serum 精華液
powder 蜜粉
lipstick 口紅
clay mask 泥膜
sponge 海綿
tweezers 鑷子
Wow! You look like as a fairy! 哇!你看起來像個仙女!