growing season 生長季


soil 土壤
This soil contains valuable nutrients. 這種土壤含有珍貴的養分。
補充:nutrient 養分


ecological 生態的

greenery 綠化

green belt 綠化帶

green space 綠地
The sculpture will take up all the green space in front of the campus center. 雕像會佔據校院中心前的綠地。


tundra 苔原

moss / lichen 青苔

cushion plant 墊狀植物


plants 植物
Colonization is one way in which plants can change the ecology of a site. 定居是植物改變地區生態環境的方式之一。

herb 草本植物

vegetation 植被
virtually free of vegetation for many years 多年來幾乎沒有植被


seedling 幼苗
Late-lying snow reduces the effective growing season to the point where seedlings cannot establish themselves. 長時間積雪縮短了有效生長季節的時間,樹苗無法生長。

bud 芽


grass 草

weed 雜草

lawn 草地

grassland 草原

steppe 乾草原

tree 樹
Some trees are being cut down. 有些樹正在被砍。
The tree was covered with beautiful pink blossom. 這棵樹開滿了美麗的粉紅色花朵。

deciduous 落葉植物


forest 森林
International agreements usually involve the exchange of monetary aid in return for government action to protect its forests. 國際協議通常涉及貨幣援助的交換,以換取政府保護森林的行動。
It's clear that something must be done to protect the forests of the world. 很明顯,必須做某些事情來保護世界上的森林。

timberline 林木線

broadleaf forest 闊葉林

rainforest 雨林
Tropical rainforests are often called the"lungs of the planet". 熱帶雨林常被稱為"地球之肺"。

reforestation 復育森林
All of this makes the net benefit of reforestation extremely difficult to measure. 植樹造林帶來的好處難以估計。

canopy 樹冠層


palm tree 棕櫚樹

teak 柚木
Teak is usually used for furniture building materials. 柚木常被用於家俱建築材料。

birch 樺木
Species of birch, for example, may occur at the timberline in parts of the Himalayas. 例如,在喜馬拉雅山部分地區的林線中可能會出現樺樹。

mahogany 桃花心木

maple tree 楓樹

pine tree 松樹

rubber tree 橡膠樹
These native people draw sap from rubber trees in the rainforest, without damaging or killing the trees. 這些原住民從雨林中的橡膠樹中汲取汁液,不會損壞或殺死樹木。

shurb 灌木
Within a vertical distance of just a few tens of meters, trees disappear as a life-form and are replaced by low shrubs, herbs, and grasses. 在一個垂直距離只有幾十米的地方,樹木這種生命形式就消失了,取而代之的是低矮的灌木、草本植物和牧草。


wood 木頭

woodland 林地
To the rear of the house is a piece of woodland. 在房子後面是一塊林地。
補充:rear of 後方

chop 劈
Two men worked for a company that chopped trees. 兩個男士為一家砍伐樹木的公司工作。

sap 樹汁

foresty 林業
Indigenous peoples in the tropics depend on forestry to make money. 熱帶地區的原住民依靠林業來賺錢。

commercial logging 商業伐木

deforestation 破壞森林
If the current rate of drforestation continues, the world's rainforest will vanish within 100 years. 如果依這種破壞森林的速率下去,地球上的森林將會在100年內消失。
補充:current rate of 目前的速率,vanish 消失(v.)


photosynthesis 光合作用
Photosynthesis takes in the carbon dioxide produced by all breathing organisms and reintroduces oxygen into the atmosphere. 光合作用吸收所有呼吸生物產生的二氧化碳,並將氧氣重新引入大氣。


florist 花商

flower 花
While strolling through the forest, you can smell the fragrant flowers. 漫步在這座森林中,你可以聞到芬芳的花朵。

pollen 花粉
The workers have little pollen baskets on their legs. 工人的腿上有一些小的花粉籃。
Pollen from a widely planted, laboratory-deisgned strain of corn can kill monarch butterflies. 一種由實驗室培養出來、大量種植的玉米品種,其花粉會殺害帝王蝶。
補充:strain 品種

orchid 蘭花
Wild flowers such as orchids and primroses are becoming rare. 蘭花和報春花之類的野花越來越少了。

rose 玫瑰
The wild rose has a less showy blossom. 野玫瑰沒那麼艷麗。
補充:showy 華麗的,blossom 花

garden 花園
There are a mass of children in the garden. 花園裡有一大群孩子。

garden plant 景觀植物


mandrake 曼德拉草

belladonna 顛茄

tobacco 菸草


pesticide 農藥


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