short 矮的
In contrast with his brothers, Tom is rather short. 跟他的兄弟比起來,湯姆顯得較矮。

tall 高的
She is tall with large knockers. 她很高,且胸部很大。

thin 瘦的
The little boy was as thin as a lath. 那個小男孩瘦的像根木條。

fat 胖的
The fat guy dropped asleep shortly after the film began. 電影才剛開始,那個胖子就睡了。

obest 肥胖的

chubby 過胖的

gain weight 體重增加

waistline 腰圍 (n.)

the battle of the bulge 減肥作戰

robust 強健的

appearance 外貌
There was a noticeable transformation in her appearance. 她的外貌有明顯的變化。

cute 可愛的

pretty 漂亮的

beautiful 美麗的

handsome 帥的

ugly 醜的

blond 金色的

bald 禿頭的

deface 傷毀、污損 (v.)
Alex was fined for defacing library books. 艾力克斯因為污損圖書館的書而被罰款。
補充:fine 罰款

charm 魅力

Don't judge a book by its cover. 人不可貌相。

hair 頭髮
Her blond hair brings out the blue of her eyes. 她的金髮襯托出她的藍眼睛。
補充:bring out 襯托


curly 捲曲的
Sally has nice curly hair. 莎莉有一頭漂亮的捲髮。


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