school 學校
I am doing well in school. 我在學校表現得很好。
The school ranking looks good. 這間學校排名看起來不錯。
elementary school 國小
I learned to play baseball when I was in elementary school. 我在國小的時候就學會打棒球了。
junior high school 國中
He is a teacher of a junior high school. 他是國中的老師。
senior high school 高中
Our grandson is a senior high school student. 我們的孫子是一名高中學生。
college 學院
The child has no incentive to study harder because his parents cannot afford to send him to college. 這孩子沒有努力學習的動力,因為他的父母供不起他上大學。
補充:incentive 激勵,afford to 負擔
university 大學
campus 校園
Many campuses provide opportunity to earn money. 許多校園提供賺錢的機會。
after-school class 補習班
semester 學期
enroll / register / sign up 註冊
intro course 初級課程
advanced course 進階課程
compulsory class 必修課
syllabus 教學大綱
The syllabus was way too ambitious in my opinion. 在我看來,教學大綱過於重了。
drop the course 退選
diploma 文憑
a bachelor's degree 學士學位
This job requires at least a bachelor's degree on business. 這份工作要求至少有商學院的大學學歷。
academic program 科系
class 課堂
course 課程
She was so disappointed to learn that she had filed the course. 她非常沮喪地得知那門課沒有考及格。
Everyone kinda knows what courses they'll be taking this semester. 每個人都知道這個學期要修什麼課。
classroom 教室
There were at most tewnty students in the classroom. 教室裡最多只有20個學生。
board 板子、公告欄
I stuck the notice on the board 我把通知貼在公告欄上了。
student 學生
I gave the student almost full credit. 我給了那位學生快滿分的成績。
How did you become a straight A student? 為什麼你的成績這麼好?
補充:straight A student是學霸的意思,從字面上來看就是全部都是A的學生
instructor 講師
teacher 老師
I don't think much of our new teacher. 我認為新老師不怎麼樣。
A few years ago I worked as a teacher. 我幾年前的職業是一名老師。
professor 教授
The theory was advanced by a Taiwan professor. 這個理論是由台灣一名教授所提出。
teaching assistant 助教
roll call 點名
Has professor Chen done the roll call today? 今天陳教授有點名嗎?
take time off 請假
absent 缺席的
Three members of the class were absent this morning. 今天早晨該班有三人缺席。
skip class 翹課
Why on earth do you skip class so frequently? 究竟為什麼你這麼頻繁的翹課?
補充:on earth 究竟、到底
rest 休息
Take a rest. 休息一下。
You can have a little rest now. 你現在可以休息一下。
after school 放學
study 學習
My parents want me to study this. 我的父母親希望我學這個。
If you had studied hard, you could have passed the test. 如果當時你有認真讀書,就可以通過考試了。
learn 學習
Learning languages is a hard work. 學習語言是一件難事。
lifelong learning 終生學習
knowledge 知識
The most vital task of students is to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills for their future works. 學生最重要的任務是獲得將來工作所需的知識和技能。
education 教育
Joseph decided to devote all his life to education. 約瑟夫決定將他的一生投入教育中。
Some people think that children should begin their formal education at an early age and should spend most of their time on school studies.
academic 學術
Nowadays, the academic certification and professional skills have been regarded as the core competitiveness to thrive in this dynamic world. 在現今如此多變的世界中,學業證書及專業技能被視為成長的核心競爭力。
補充:competitiveness 競爭力
With nations worldwide placing emphasis on education, most top universities invest abundant funding to supply facilities concerned with teaching along with academic research. 隨著世界各國對教育的重視,大部分的頂尖大學投注大量的資金在教學設備及學術研究上。
補充:abundant funding 大量的資金
book 書
So many good ideas in this book! It's too much for me to absorb all at once. 這本書有太多好的點子了!我很難在一次全部吸收完。
textbook 課本
handout 講義
literacy 讀寫能力
homework / assignment 作業
Who cares about homework anyway? 誰在乎作業呢?
Finishing this homework is my first priority today. 完成這份作業是我今天的首要任務。
Ok, I'm going to begin this lecture by giving you your next assignment. 好的,我將開始講解有關於下次作業的課。
report 報告
We uses the structure of his report as the template for ours. 我們把他的報告結構用作我們的範本。
Cliff read the lengthy report without a skip. 克里夫從頭到尾讀了那份冗長的報告。
補充:相關文章 https://www.businessweekly.com.tw/article.aspx?id=20806&type=Blog
examination 考試
He kenw my examination was pending. 他知道我的考試就要來臨。
He was inadequately prepared for the impending examinations. 他沒有為即將到來的考試做好充分的準備。
補充:inadequately prepared 準備不足,exam 和 examination的差異 https://hinative.com/zh-TW/questions/1542957
flunk 當掉
I think I'm going to flunk this class. 我認為我這堂課會被當掉。
stress 壓力
peer pressure 同儕壓力
the long ranger 邊緣人
James is a lone ranger, even his sister doesn't talk to him in class. 詹姆斯是個邊緣人,甚至連他的妹妹在班上都不跟他說話。
party animal 派對動物
uniform 制服
The boys in their smart school uniforms marched at the head of the parade. 身著整齊校服的男學生們走在遊行隊伍的前列。
dormitory 宿舍 (n.)
When did you move out of the dormitory? 你什麼時候搬出宿舍?
on-campus housing 校內住宿
If you're going to a small colldge, which may not offer the on-campus housing.
dining hall 食堂
cafeteria 自助餐廳
How to choose the right major? 如何選擇正確的科系?
Can you help me proof my PowerPoint? 你可以幫我校對我的簡報嗎?
I wanted to thank you for what you did today. 我要感謝你今天所做的一切。
教育學術名詞 http://terms.naer.edu.tw/terms/manager_admin/File/LIST183.TXT