Listen to a conversation between a student and her Photography professor. 聽一段學生和攝影學教授之間的對話。

Professor Johnson, there is something that has been on my mind. 傑森教授,我一直在想一件事。

Ok. 好的. (帶有不確定的語氣,所以下一句要注意聽)

Remember last week you told us that it's really important to get our photography into a show, basically as soon as we can? 記得上禮拜你跟我們說把自己的作品盡快展覽出來是很重要的一件事?(語氣上揚,所以下一句要注意聽)

Yup, it's big step, no question. 是的,這是很重要的步驟,毫無疑問。(同意上一句)

Thing is, I'm sitting here and I'm just not sure how I get there. 問題是,我想了很久還是不確定如何達到那一步。(聽到not sure, how代表後面會有答案)
I mean I've got some works I like, but, is it really what the gallery is looking for? 我的意思是我有些喜歡的作品,但真的是畫廊想要的嗎?(but後面一定要聽清楚)
How would I know? How do I make the right content to get into a show? I just really don't... 我要如何製作合適的內容來展出?我真的不知道...... (講話被打斷,代表教授急著要講什麼)

Okay, hold on. Slow down. 好,等一下,慢一點。
Um... these are questions that, well, just about every young artist has to struggle with. 嗯...這些問題幾乎是每個年輕藝術家都必須面對的。(語氣轉換時要注意)
Ok, the first thing you should do is you absolutely have to stay true to your artistic vision. 你需要做的第一件事就是完全堅持自己的藝術視野。
Take the pictures you want to take. 拍攝自己想拍的照片。(呼應上一句)
Don't start to trying to catch the flavor of the month and be trendy because you think you'll get into a show. 千萬不要因為想展出你自己的作品就試著去拍攝符合當月的時尚潮流。(Don't跟because後面都要聽清楚)
That never works, because you wind up creating something you don't really believe in. 這永遠行不通,因為妳最終創作出自己並不熱衷的作品。(That never work特別加重語氣,you don't really believe in變換語氣)
It sound uninspired ,and won't make any shows. 聽起來沒什麼靈感,也不會有任何展出。
I've seen that happened so many times. 我已經見過很多這樣的例子了。(so many times有轉換語氣,證明上面所說的話)
This doesn't mean that you should go into a cave, keep up with trends. 這不意味著妳應該進山洞拍照,要隨著潮流走。(跟although等等一樣,要注意的是後半部)
Even think about how your work might fit in with them, but don't mindlessly follow them. 思考妳的作品如何與潮流呼應,但不能盲目追求。(but don't mindlessly follow them語調放慢,所以是重點)

Well, yeah, I can see that. 是的,我明白了。
I think though that I've always been able to stay pretty true to what I want to create, not what others want me to create. 我認為儘管我一直都能忠實於我想創作的內容,但這也許不是別人想看到的創作。(though,所以要注意後半段)
I think that comes through my work. 我想這也在我的作品上有所體現吧。

Ok. Just remember that is one thing to create works that you really want to create when it's in the classroom. 妳只要記住,在創造作品時就像妳在教室裡一樣。
The only thing at stake is your grade. 唯一要擔心的只有妳的成績。
But, work created outdise of the classroom? 但是在教室外創作的作品呢?(But語氣變換,所以要注意聽)
That can be a different story. 那就完全不同了。
I'm not talking about techniques or things like that. 我不是在說技巧之類的事情。(not後面的東西要注意聽)
It's just there's so much more at stake. 有更多的困難要面對。
When you're out there making art for a living, there's a lot of pressure to become something you are not and people often surrender to that pressure. 在妳用藝術來謀生的時候,總是有很多的壓力,讓妳不再是妳自己,很多人經常在這種壓力下屈服。

But to get stuff exhibited... 但是要把作品展示... (講話被打斷,下一句是重點)

Well, you need to be a bit of an opportunist. 妳需要當一個機會主義者。
Here's common sense, things like, always having a sample of your work on hand to give to people. 這是常識,例如,隨時帶著作品給人展示。
You won't believe that kind of contacts are opportunities you can get in this way. 妳簡直無法相信這種方式所帶來的機遇。
And try to get your work seen in places like restaurants, book stores. 並且試著將妳的作品在餐廳、書店等地方展出。
You'd be surprised how word gets around about photography in places like that. 妳會很驚訝在這些地方有很多人會談論攝影。

Ok, it's just so hard to think about all those practical things and make good work, you know. 好吧,要想這些實際的事情並創作好作品真是太難了。(嘆氣,代表無奈等等)

Q1. Why does the student go to see the professor?
A. To discuss the latest trends in the photography shows (根本沒提到攝影展的趨勢。只有提到keep up with trends,跟隨潮流,但不要盲目追求)
B. To find out why some of her work was not selected for a show (是問如何在畫廊中展出)
C. To discuss how to get her photographs exhibited
D. To find out about a student photography show on campus (沒提到在校園裡展覽)


Q2. According to the professor, what is the best way to create work that is likely to be chosen for a show
A. By taking photographs that fit with current trends (don't mindlessly follow them)
B. By following one's own artistic views (stay ture to your artistic vision)
C. By consulting experienced photographers (沒有提到請教經驗豐富的攝影師)
D. By learning what gallery owners are interested in


Q3. What does the professor imply about photography created outside of the classroom
A. It is usually technically stronger than work created for a class (I'm not talking techniques or things like that)
B. It tends to be more interesting than class work (更有壓力)
C. It faces increased pressure to be trendy
D. It is more likely to be exhibited than is work created for a class (只有提到有更多的困難要面對)


Q4. According to the professor, what are two ways young photographers can market their work?
A. Share examples of their work with others (always having a sample of your work on hand to give to people)
B. Hire a professional agent to sell their work (沒有提到雇用和販賣作品)
C. Display their work in places other than gallery (restaurant and bookstore)
D. Ask a professor to recommend their work to gallery owners (學生沒有要求教授做事情,也沒有提到畫廊主人)


Q5. Why does the student say this: 
A. To ask the professor to reevaluate her work (沒有請教授重新評估)
B. To indicate that she understands the importance of sharing her work (有提到,但跟問題無關)
C. To show that she disagrees with the professor's opinion (學生沒反對過教授的意見)
D. To suggest that her work has met the professor's criteria (教授希望學生能堅持自己的artistic version)


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