ecosystem 生態系統
renewable energy 再生能源
non-renewable energy 非再生能源
electricity 電力
hydropower / hydroeletric 水力發電
wind power 風力發電
wind tower 風力發電機
I'm going to move if they build ugly wind towers in the hills. 如果他們在山上建了醜陋的風力發電機,我將會搬走。
Wind towers are okay, provided that they're down in the valley. 風力發電機沒問題,前提是在山谷裡。
wind farm 風電廠
solar power 太陽能
solar panel 太陽能板
If they offer us rebates to install solar panels, I'm doing it. 如果他們願意提供給我們裝太陽能板的折扣,我就會安裝。
fuel 燃料、汽油
coal 煤炭
If they changed from coal to nature gas, it'll be really good.
natural gas 天然氣
If the government switches from coal to natural gas, I'll be happy. 如果政府從煤炭轉為天然氣,我會很高興。