architecture 建築

architect 建築師

construction worker 建築工人


build 建造

foundation 地基

structure / construction 結構

house 房子
Old houses need a lot of maintenance. 老房子需要大範圍的維護。


apartment 公寓

residence / housing 住宅

top floor 頂樓
Our new office is on the top floor of the building. 我們的新辦公室位於這棟大樓的頂層。

annex 附屬建築物


roof 屋頂
It is strong enough to bear up the weight of the roof. 它很牢固,足以支撐住屋頂的重量。

ceiling 天花板
The ceiling needed to be repaired after he escaped. 在他逃走之後,天花板需要修復。

decoration 裝潢
The decoration has reached an extravagant degree of elaboration. 這裝潢已經精緻到奢華的程度了。
補充:extravagant 奢華,elaboration 精緻


untility 公共設施

building 大樓
There are plenty of fire hoses in the building. 這棟大樓裡設有大量的消防水管。
補充:plenty of 大量的,fire hose 消防水管
The company jumped the gun when they started construction on a new building before they got a permit from the city. 這間公司在還未得到市政府的許可,就先提前開工興建這棟大樓。
補充:to jump the gun (Idiom) 過早地行動

corridor 走廊

lift 電梯
Can I use the lift? 我可以搭電梯嗎?

stairs 樓梯
Sorry, it's broken. You have to use the stairs. 對不起,電梯故障了。你只能走樓梯了。

conference room 會議室


castle 城堡
This ancient castle was invested an air of mystery. 這種古老的城堡充滿神秘的氣氛。


real estate 房地產
His dream is to make a lot of money in real estate. 他的夢想是透過房地產賺很多錢。

property sale 房地產銷售
William Builders will have the city's largest property sale in five years. 威廉建商將會在五年內有此座城市最大的一筆房地產銷售。

down payment 頭期款

accommodate 容納 (v.)
The hostel can accommodate 500 tourists. 這間青年旅社可以容納500名遊客。


landlord 房東
The landlord renovates old houses and sells them at a profit. 那位房東修復舊房子,並賣出它們來獲得利潤。

tenant 承租人
The tenant hasn't yet paid his rent. 房客還沒有付房租。
補充:rent 租金

lease 租約

dewll 住 (v.)

inhabitant 居民
The inhabitants of the island were friendly. 島上的居民們很友善。

resident 居民、住戶
According to a recent census,suburban residents today have remarkably more diverse in cultural background than they were in the1960s. 根據最近一次的人口普查, 今日郊區居民的文化背景比1960年代更加多元化。
補充:census 人口普查

neighbor 鄰居
My neighbor felt panic when she saw my dog. 我的鄰居看到我的狗時,感到驚慌失措。


address 住址
Which address shall I give you, my home address or hotel address here? 我應該給你我家的地址還是旅館的地址?


suburbs 郊區

town 城鎮
The town has changed beyond recognition since I was there a decade ago. 這個鎮在我離開後的十年裡變得認不出來了。
補充:beyond recognition 面目全非

urban area 市區

city 城市
The old man recalled the city as it had been before the war. 這位老人回憶起這座城市戰爭前的樣子。
He submitted his proposal for urban development to the city council. 他向市議會提交了他的城市發展建議。
補充:city council 市議會


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