furniture 傢俱
The furniture stroe usually opens at 8:30 in the morning. 傢俱店通常在早上8點半開始營業。

door 門
Please close the door as you go out. 出去時請把門關上。


living room 客廳

terrace / balcony 陽台

hutch 貯藏箱
I put my diary in the hutch. 我把我的日記放到貯藏箱裡。

rug 小地毯、毛皮地毯
The rug is dirty. 地毯很髒。

end table 茶几
The end table matches the sofa. 茶几跟沙發很搭配。

air-condition 空調
Does it have air-condition? 這裡有空調嗎?

central heating 暖氣

ladder 梯子
Can I use the ladder? 我可以使用梯子嗎?


bedroom 臥室

bed 床
As I was feeling tired, I went to bed early. 因為我覺得很累,所以早早就去睡覺。

pillow 枕頭

nightstand 床頭櫃
Your glasses are on the nightstand. 你的眼鏡在床頭櫃上。

lamp 檯燈
The lamp is an antique. 這個檯燈是件古董。

dresser 衣櫃
I can't find my blue jacket in the dresser. 我在衣櫃裡找不到我的藍色夾克。

drawer 抽屜

the blinds 百葉窗


bathroom 浴室

toilet 廁所

bathtub 浴缸
You should clean the bathtub after having a bath. 你洗完澡後應該要清潔浴缸。

leak 漏水
Water was leaking from the pipe. 水從管子中漏出來。


kitchen 廚房

bin 垃圾桶

refrigerator 冰箱
There are two cartons of ice cream in the refrigerator. 冰箱裡有兩盒冰淇淋。

oven 烤箱
Mom put the dough into the oven. 媽媽將麵團放進烤箱。

stove 爐子
Turn off the stove before you leave the kitchen. 離開廚房前要關掉爐子。

cabinet 櫥、櫃
Mom usually keeps the forks and knives in the cabinet. 媽媽通常將刀叉收在櫥櫃裡。

sink 水槽
Wayne is washing the fruit in the sink. 韋恩正在水槽裡洗水果。

dishwasher 洗碗機
The plates are in the dishwasher. 那些盤子在洗碗機裡。

spoon 湯匙

knife 刀子



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