bird 鳥
A bird alighted on the branch. 有隻鳥降落在樹枝上。
補充:alight 降落、branch 樹枝

wing 翅膀
Birds can use their wings to rise up and move through the air. 鳥類可以用它們的翅耪往上飛,並在空中移動。

feather 羽毛

archaeopteryx 始祖鳥
Archaeopteryx, the first true bird, probably appeared some 136 million years ago. 始祖鳥是第一個可真正稱為鳥類的鳥,可能出現在大約1億3千6百萬年前。

crow 烏鴉

dove 鴿子

parrot 鸚鵡

eagle 老鷹
The eagle is the national emblem of the United States. 老鷹是美國的國徽。

Flighless Bird
ostrich 鴕鳥

penguin 企鵝


nest 築巢


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