labor/worker 勞工

cook 廚師
Really good cooks are few and far between. 真正好的廚師少得很。


custodian 管理員
The custodian was very adamant. 管理員的態度很強硬。

guard 警衛

police 警察
The police shook down the apartment for clues to the murder. 警察徹底搜查公寓,尋找謀殺案的線索。


mail carrier 郵差
Were the mail carrier just came right? 郵差剛剛來過了?

fire man 消防員

mechanic 技工
The mechanic greased the car's axle. 這位技工在汽車軸上了潤滑油。


homemaker 主婦
Well, nobody said it was gonna be easy being a homemarker. 這個嘛,沒有人說做家庭主婦會是簡單的一件事。

counselor 心理諮詢師

lawyer / solicitor 律師
I have already instucted my lawyers. 我已經和我的律師商量過了。
You can appoint your own solictors. 你可以自聘律師。
There's ample evidence that the lawyer knew exactly what she was doing. 有充分的證據顯示,該律師十分清楚她自己在做什麼。

teacher 老師


director 導演 / animator 動畫師
The director used ingenious devices to keep the audience in suspense. 導演使用巧妙的手法使觀眾陷入懸念。
Wayne is the best animator in Taiwan. 韋恩是台灣最好的動畫師。
補充:電影的相關單字 http://qwe6325551.pixnet.net/blog/post/358211975

artist 藝術家 / designer 設計師
補充:藝術、設計的相關單字 http://qwe6325551.pixnet.net/blog/post/353862917

architect 建築師

assistant 助理


writer 作家
Noise distracted the writer from his work. 吵雜聲使這位作家在工作時分心。
補充:書的相關單字 http://qwe6325551.pixnet.net/blog/post/358115348


founder 創辦人

secretary 秘書
How much does a secretary earn a month? 秘書一個月賺多少錢?


farmer / peasant 農夫
Economic policies generally attempt to limit the activity of small farmers through government actions. 經濟政策通常試圖透過政府行為限制小農的活動。
Deforestation by a peasant farmer is often done to raise crops for subsistence and is driven by the basic human need for food. 貧窮國家的農夫砍伐森林通常是為了維持農作物的生計,並且是由人類對食物的基本需求所驅動。
補充:farmer 跟 peasant的差異 https://kknews.cc/zh-tw/education/ybvlgkg.html

florist 花商


rental agent 租賃仲介
Ella is our rental agent. 艾拉室我們的租賃仲介。

street artist 街頭藝人
Street artists who entertain spectators with their spectacular performances. 街頭藝人以其精彩的表演招待觀眾。

manufacturer 製造業者
We are the largest cellphone manufacturer in Taiwan. 我們是全台灣最大的手機製造業者。

cashier 收銀員
The cashier recounted the money made today. 收銀員將今天賺的錢再重新點了一次。

teller 出納員
The teller tried to remain aloof and calm. 出納員試圖保持鎮靜和冷漠。

accountant 會技師

analysts 分析師

advisor 顧問
Mr.Nerthan has sufficient qualifications for a good investment advisor. 納森先生有充分的證照,足以成為一位優秀的投資顧問。
補充:the qualifications for 對...的資格

collector 收藏家

interview 面試

human resource 人資部門

personnel manager 人事經理

notification  通知、告示
We received no notification before today. 今天之前,我們沒有收到任何通知。


job 工作
If I could do any job in the world, I would work in the Pixar. 如果我可以做世界上任何的工作,我會在皮克斯工作。
We had lots of good applications for the job, but one stood out from the test. 我們這個職位有很多部錯的應徵者,但有一個人特別突出。
補充:previous job 以前的工作

career 職業
We offer the training you need to advance in your career. 我們提供你需要的職業訓練。


vacancy 職位空缺
There is a vacancy for a shop assistant on Saturdays. 這間商店缺週六的員工。

employment 雇用
If you end your employment, you have 6 days to return company uniforms rented to you. 如果你雇用期間屆滿時,有六天的時間歸還向公司租借的制服。


management 管理、資方(n.)
Management has offered staff a 3% pay increase. 資方為員工加薪3%。資方與工會達成妥協,同意以加薪4%來作為提高生產力的回報。


company 公司
The chart showed the company's rapid growth in recent years. 這份圖表顯示了該公司近年來的迅速發展。
補充:rapid growth 快速增長
We are a company built on the foundation of a strong work ethic and commitment to the highest levels of services. 我們是一間建立在嚴格的職業道德基礎上並致力於提供最高水平服務的公司。
補充:foundation 基礎、work ethic 職業道德

enterprise 組織、公司、企業(n.)
Those were the year of private enterprise, when lots of small businesses were started. 那是一個私人企業的時代,許多小公司就是當時創建的。

business 企業
Business closed, putting millions out of work. 企業倒閉,造成數百萬人沒了工作。

office 辦公室
Which one is Mr. Lvanov's office?
It's Room 201 on the second floor. 在2樓201室。


start a business 創業


meeting 會議
He convened a meeting of the members of the club. 他召集社團的成員來開會。
Are you planning to take part in the meeting? 你打算參加會議嗎?

colleague / co-worker 同事 (n.)
It's one of the nice things in life that happened to me to have you as colleague. 你是我的同事是我生命中最美好的一件事。
William is getting along very well with his colleagues. 威廉跟他的同事相處得很好。


work your way 按你的方式工作

responsibility 責任
Your responsibilities will be mainly adminstrative. 你的職責主要是在行政方面。

workflow 工作流程


promotion 升遷
The job offers excellent promotion prospects. 這份工作有很好的升遷機會。
Most people state that the enormous scale of the company with well-regulated promotion and welfare systems allows clerks to dedicate themselves to work without worries. 大部分的人認為規模龐大的公司,有完善的升遷及福利制度,能使員工毫無顧慮地投入在工作上。
補充:enourmous scale 規模巨大、welfare systems 福利制度、dedicate 貢獻


unemployment 失業
According to analysts, the steady decline in Oregon's unemployment rate over the last three years is a positive indicator of the state's economic growth. 分析師表示,俄勒岡州過去三年失業率的穩定下降是該州經濟增長的正向指標。

discharge / fired / dismiss from 解雇
He has been dismissed from his job for incompetence. 因為在工作上沒有能力,導致他被解僱。


retire 退休

union 工會
In a compromise between management and unions, a 4% pay rise was agree in return for an increase in productivity. 


pay / wage / salary 薪水
He is paid a good wage because he works for a fair employer. 他的薪水很不錯,因為他有個公平的雇主。
A salary that is commensurate with skills and experience. 這是一份與技能和經驗相稱的薪水。

perk / subside / supplement 津貼、補貼 (n.)
A company car and a mobile phone are some of the perks that come with the job. 這份工作的額外待遇是配備公司的車和手機。

income / earings 收入


get off work 下班
When do you usually get off work? 你通常幾點下班?
At 7pm, it's time to clock off, but the Taiwanese are still busy at work. 晚上7點,該下班了,但台灣人還在忙於工作。

work hours 工作時間
William works eight hours a day, Monday through Firday. 威廉從禮拜一到禮拜五,一天工作8小時。


day off 休假
I'm finally getting a day off from work next week. 我下禮拜終於放一天假了。

catering 餐飲業
I have a small catering company back in Yunlin. 我在雲林有一家小型的餐飲公司。

Wayne can ability to work under pressure. 韋恩可以在壓力下工作。

Abe was asked to leave her job because of her laziness. 因為懶惰的關係,艾比被要求離職。

Cindy gave a summary report of the day's events. 辛蒂對一天的事情做了簡要的報告。

We must work hard, but equally we must get sufficient rest. 我們必須認真工作,但同樣我們必須獲得足夠的休息。

The majority of factories in the region have a workforce of 50 to 100 people. 該地區大多數工廠都擁有50至100名工人。

If you give up the job offer , you will regret. 如果你放棄這份工作,你將會後悔。

I hate my job is so routine and boring. 我討厭我的工作一成不變又無趣。

The supervisor wants to know Mr.Brown's e-mail address so that she can inform him about changes in work assignments. 管理者想要知道布朗先生的電子信箱地址,這樣她才可以通知他有關工作任務的變更。


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