date 約會
When people go on dates, who should pay, the man or the woman? 去約會時,男性該付錢還是女性呢?

appointment 約會、預約 (n.)
Tom has an appointment with a doctor this afternoon. 湯姆今天下午有預約看醫生。
Call and make an appointment today. 今天打電話去預約。

opposite sex 異性


chat up 搭訕
He spent all evening chatting her up and buying her drinks. 他花了整個晚上搭訕她,並請她喝酒。

e at first sight 一見鍾情
Do you believe in "love at first sight"? 你相信一見鍾情嗎?


Visit a doctor if your foot is falling off. 趕快去看醫生。(口語)

Let's take a selfie! 我們來自拍吧!

What's your IG handle? 你的IG帳號是多少?


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