
同時,每個semester開學,教授都會有一個booklist,上面羅列了這門課需要讀的書,有些書圖書館可以借,但是由於經常要on recall (召回),同時僧多粥少,因此下手慢的同學自然就抱憾而歸。
有些教材是專業類書籍,要到專業書店購買,又或者學生購買之後,由於不適應所選科目,開課不久就drop (退課)了,這種情況下,糾紛就發生了。



Listen to a conversation between a student and an employee in the University bookstore. 聽一段學生和大學書店員工之間的對話。

Hi, I bought this book at the beginning of the semester, but, something's come up and... I'd like to return it. 嗨,我在這學期初買了這本書,但是,發生了一些事,所以我想退還它。

Well, for a full refund, store policy is that you have to return merchandise 2 weeks from the time it was purchased. 想要全額退還的話,店裡的規範是在購買後的兩個星期內歸還商品才行。
Er... but for science textbooks or anything having to do with specific courses... 呃......但對於科學類教科書或與專業課程相關的書呢......
Wait... was it for specific course? 等等...... 是專業課程的書嗎? (語調上揚,且強調在specific course)

Yeah, but actually... 是的,但實際上……

Well... for course books, the deadline is 4 weeks after the beginning of the semester. 專業課程書籍的歸還期限是在開學後4 週內。
So for this fall semester, the deadline was October 1st. 所以這個秋季學期的最後期限是10月1日。

Ouch, then I missed it. 天啊,那我錯過了。
But, why October 1st? 但,為什麼是10月1日?

Emm, I guess the reasoning is that by October 1st, the semester is in full gear. 呃,我想是因為到10月1日,這學期已經開學了吧。
And everyone kinda knows what courses they'll be taking that semester. 每個人都知道這個學期要修什麼課。

I get it. 我明白了。
So it's mainly for people who decide to withdraw from… or to change to new courses early on. 所以主要是針對那些決定退出......或早點換新課程的人。

Exactly! 完全正確!
The books have to be in perfect condition of course. 當然這些書必須完好無損。
They can't be marked up or looked used in any way for the full refund, I mean. 我的意思是,要全額退款的話,書不能有標記或看起來像任何使用過的痕跡。(used那邊有強調,所以這句聽can't跟used就可以推出意思了)

Well, but, my situation is a little different. 好吧,但是,我的情況有些不同。
I hoped you might be able to make an exception. 我希望你能為我破一次例。

Well, the policy is generally pretty rigid and the semester is almost over. 我們的政策通常都很嚴格,而且這學期已經快結束了。

Okay, here is what happened. 好,是這樣的。
Um... I think my professor really miscalculated. 嗯......我想我的教授真的算錯了。
Anyway the syllabus was way too ambitious in my opinion. 無論如何,在我看來教學大綱過於重了。
There're only 2 weeks of classes left in the semester and there are like 6 books on the syllabus that we haven't even touched. 這個學期只剩下2個星期的課程,可是我們還有6本課程大綱中的書沒碰過。

I see. 我明白了。
So you're hoping to return in this one. 所以你希望退還這個。

Yeah, professor already announced that we won't be reading this one by Jane Bowles and all the others I bought used. 沒錯,教授已經說我們不會讀這本珍妮·鮑爾斯寫的書及其他我買的幾本書。

Jane Bowles? 珍妮·鮑爾斯?
Which book of hers? 她的哪一本書? 

It's called "Two serious ladies". 兩位嚴肅的女人。

Oh, but you should keep that one. 哦,但是你應該留著那本書。
Are you interested in literature? 你對文學感興趣嗎?

Well. I am in English major. 我主修英語。

You are lucky to have professor who includes the lesser known writer like her on the syllabus, you know, not the usual authors we've all read. 你很幸運,因為你的教授涵蓋了像她這樣鮮為人知的作家在教學大綱裡面,而不是我們都讀過的普通作家。

So you really think... 那麼你真的認為......

I do. 是的。
And especially if you're into literature. 特別是如果你對文學感興趣。

Hmm... Well, this I wasn't expecting. 這是我沒想到的。
I mean... er, em... Wow. 我的意思是,哇!

I hope you don't think I'm being too pushy. 我希望你不要認為我咄咄逼人。
If you prefer, you can return the book and arrange for a store credit, you don't qualify for a refund. 如果您願意,可以退還書籍並換取商店抵免額,但你不符合退款資格。
Policy is policy after all, but you can make an exchange and you can use the credit for your books for next semester. 畢竟規定就是規定,但你可以使用抵免額換取下學期的書。
The credit carries over from one semester to the next. 抵免額可以使用到下學期。

Hmm... that's good to know, but now I am really intrigued, I guess that just because we run out of time to read this book in class, doesn't mean that I cannot read it on my own time. 嗯......很高興知道這個,但我現在真的感興趣了,我想在課堂上我們沒有時間讀這本書,但不意味著我平時沒有時間讀。
You know, I think I'll give it a try. 我想我會嘗試一下。

Q1. Why does the student go to the bookstore?
A. To purchase a book by Jane bowles (return才對)
B. To find out which books he need for a course
C. To return a book that was originally assigned for a course (對話一開始就講了I'd like to return it)
D. To find out how to order a book for a course (return才對)
Q2. What is the store's policy about giving refunds on books? 
A. Books that are not for a specific course will receive a store credit instead of a refund (沒有提到一般的書退還就不會得到商店抵免額)
B. Course textbooks can be returned for a full refund early in the school semester (學期初early in the school semester對應the deadline is 4 weeks after the beginning of the semester)
C. All books must be returned within two weeks to be eligible for a full refund (有all的選項容易錯,加上有些書是4 weeks才對)
D. Only books that are in new condition will get a full refund (對應They can't be marked up or looked used in any way for the full refund,不過這個選項用常識想也知道)


Q3.  Why is the professor not going to discuss the book by Jane bowles in the class? 
A. There is not enough time left in the semester (提到剩兩個禮拜,但還有6本書還沒讀)
B. Not all of the students were able to get a copy of the book (沒提到)
C. The professor miscalculated the difficulty level of the book (沒提到)
D. The book was not on the course syllabus (有在教學大綱裡)


Q4. What does the woman imply about the book written by Jane Bowles?
A. It is worth reading
B. It focuses on a serious topic (沒提到)
C. She is not familiar with it (不熟悉就不會講這麼多了)
D. She read it for a literature class (沒提到)
Q5. Why does the man mean when he says this:
A. He thinks the store's policy is too strict. (他只有希望能為他破例,I hoped you might be able to make an exception)
B. He is happy that the woman has agreed to his request (書店員工同意後,他已經想讀這本書了)
C. He is surprised at the woman's suggestion. (從上一句So you really think...加上Wow可以得知)
D. He is annoyed that he needs to give the woman more information

Two Serious Ladies


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