Female A
I'm thinking about my future. 我正在思考我的未來。
Where I want to go? 我想去哪裡?
Who I want to be? 我想成為誰?
What I want to do? 我想做什麼?
I'm 24 years old. 我已經24歲了。
I don't know what I want. 我不知道自己想要什麼。
I don't know. 我不知道。
Female B
What are those? 那些是什麼?
Female A
These are my job applications. 這些是我的申請表。
This is my law school application, and this is everything my piece school application.
Female B
Wow! So many possibilities. 哇! 如此多的可能性。
Female B
will be very successful.
She has so many opportunities, and so much energy.
She could really use energy to change the world.
I have energy when I was younger.
I remember I having opportunities.
I hope something cruit.
Female B
You have your whole future to view.
Female A
I know!
I don't what I want.
I can't believe Carly's energy, she just finished two years of Peace Corps in Africa.
Q: Why was Carly in Africa?
A: She was working with the Peace Corps.
Now she is filling out an application for law school. 她正在填寫法學院的申請表。
Q: What is she applying for?
A: law school
補充: https://tw.blog.voicetube.com/archives/28993
I was filling out my application form, but there was a blank that I didn't know what to fill in. 我正在填寫申請表,但有一個空格我不知道怎麼填。
She has whole future in front of her. 她的前途一片光明。
Her dream is to be a lawyer, and help poor people. 她的夢想是當一名律師,並幫助窮困的人。
I'm a little bit jealous of her, but I really hope she successful. 我有點嫉妒她,但我真的希望她能成功。
Q: What is her dream?
A: to help poor people
She's only 19. She has her whole future in front of her. 她只有19歲。她擁有自己的整個未來。
You need to fill out the application before the interview. 你需要在面試之前填寫申請表。
Where do you hope to be in five years? 你希望五年後去哪裡?
His dream is to open a seafood restaurant. 他的夢想是開一間海鮮餐廳。
He has such incredible energy. I love working with him. 他精力充沛。我喜歡和他一起工作。
They worked with the Peace Corps to try to make a difference.