Female A
So...What I go to do? 所以......我該怎麼辦?
Female B
Let's look at your choices. 讓我們看看妳的選擇。
If you get a job now, you make money soon. 如果妳現在開始工作,很快就能賺到錢。
But if you go to the law school, and become a lawyer, you make a lot of money later. 但如果妳去法律學校,並成為一名律師,以後會賺很多錢。
And if you join the Peace Corps...
Female A
I want to make money, ever. 我想永遠賺錢。
Peace Crops?
Am I thinking about the Peace Corps?
Female B
Yes, and I'm gone to upright.
Female A
Dad, I just want to do something good. 爸,我只想做些好事。
You gave me so much, and I'm so grateful. 你給了我很多,我非常感激。
Now, I want to go out of that.
I want to help people. 我想要幫助人。
I think if I join the Peace Corps are really help people. 我想如果我加入和平隊真的是在幫助人們。
I'll give something back.
Female B
So very known provide ideas.
I know kids grow up.
They move out of the house.
They get jobs.
They get married.
But she's talking about the Peace Corps?
She'll be so far away.
But she will help people.
If she move abroad, she will learn another language.
She will see a lot of things and meet a lot of new people.
But it's dangerous. 但這很危險。
She'll be far away and I won't see her for two years. 她會在很遠的地方,我兩年都見不到她。
I'm worry so much.
Why you don't just stay here with me, Anna?
Female A
I don't know yet.
My future is undecided. 我的未來還沒有決定。
She hopes to become a lawyer some day. 她希望有一天能成為律師。
He finally moved out of his parents' house.
She will learn another language if she lives abroad. 如果她住在國外,會學到另一種語言。
They hope to get married next year. 他們希望明年結婚。
His dream is to make a lot of money in real estate. 他的夢想是透過房地產賺很多錢。
He needs to decide on his career goals. 他需要決定自己的職業目標。
When I was in colldge, I thought about becoming a lawyer. 當我在大學的時候,我想過要成為一名律師。
My father said that can make a lot of money. 我父親說那能賺很多錢。
Q: What did Alan think about in college?
A: becoming a lawyer.
But I decided to see the world while I was still young, so I moved abroad. 但我決定趁年輕的時候去看看世界,所以我搬到了國外。
Q: What did he do after college.
A: moved abroad
And I've seen so much, I have a good job in this country. 我看了很多,在這個國家也有一份好工作。
But it's not a career, I can't move up. 但這不是份職業,我不能升職。
I need to decided on a real career, and make a plan. 我需要決定一份真正的職業,並制定計畫。
Now, I've decided that I don't want to lived abroad anymore. 現在,我已經決定不再住國外了。
I want to move home. 我想搬回家。
Q: What has he decided?
A: to move back home
Maybe after I move home, I'll apply to the law school. 也許在我搬回家後,我會申請法學院。
I still get my future in front of me. 我的未來仍在眼前。
Q: What is he thinking about doing after that?
A: applying to law school