Female 1
Work experience?
Hmm… None.
To be honest, it is my first job interview. 老實說,這是我第一次面試工作。
Female 2
So what's your career goals? 那你的職涯目標是什麼?
Female 1
Career goals?
Female 2
What's your interested in? 你對什麼感興趣?
Female 1
Well, I'm really XXX about that.
Something XXX that's for sure.
First, I just need some work experience.
Female 2
So what some of your strengths?
Female 1
I'm great with people.
I'm hard working and quick learner. 我很努力工作,還有學得很快。
Female 2
Check her references.
unreliable, and then .
I mean , goal experience, but she is inflexible, unfriendly.
Nice girl.
I really like her, but not work experience, not career goals.
Look for more.
He included two references with his resume. 他的簡歷裡有兩份推薦信。
Unfortunately, one of his references said he was unreliable. 不幸的是,他的其中一位推薦人說他並不可靠。
One of his references told me that he's unreliable. 他的其中一個推薦人說他不老實。
I'm sorry. We need someone who isn't so inflexible. 我很抱歉。我們需要的是一個不那麼固執的人。
We need to interview many applicants for this position. 我們需要面試許多申請這個職位的人。
I've already interviewed six applicants for the position. 我已經面試了六名申請這個職位的人。
I was so nervous at my job interview last week. 我在上周的工作面試中感到很緊張。
She felt nervous before the interview. 她在面試前感到緊張。
When I arrived the office, I was told to wait in this big room.
Another word for 'applicant' is candidate.
All the other people who are there to apply for the job, all the other candidates were waiting in this room, 50 or more applicants and not a word were spoken.
The waiting room was quiet.
Anyway, finally it was my turn. 無論如何,終於輪到我了。
There were 3 interviewers, they asked a lot of questions. 有三個面試官,他們問了很多問題。
There were three interviewers.
A man who looks like the boss asked the most difficult ones. 一個看起來像老闆的人問了最困難的問題。
One question which I had no idea how to answer. 有一個問題,我不知道怎麼回答。
What about me? 關於我?
Why did I think I was suitable for the job? 為什麼覺得自己適合這份工作?
I hate those kind of questions. 我討厭這種類型的問題。
They asked her why she was suitable for the job.
Anyway, I guess I did well. 總之,我覺得我做得不錯。
Because I got the job. 因為我得到了這份工作。
That's the important thing. 這才是最重要的事。
I was given the chance. 我得到了機會。
Did she get the job?
Yes, she did.
I am studying for a degree in finance. 我正在攻讀金融學學位。
I graduated with a degree in engineering. 我畢業於工程學學位。
I graduated with a degree in computer programming. 我畢業於電腦程式學位。
I don't have much experience. 我沒有太多的經驗。
To be honest, I don't have a lot of work experience. 老實說,我並沒有太多的工作經驗。
I don't have a lot of work experience, but I'm a quick learner. 我沒有很多的工作經驗,但我學得很快。
I have ten years' experience. 我有十年的經驗。
Yes, I have a lot of experience in this industry. 是的,我在這個行業經驗豐富。
I think I have the right skills for this job. 我認為我有適合這份工作的技能。
I'm very interested in this position. 我對此職位非常感興趣。
I'm interested in the position of sales assistant. 我對銷售助理的職位有興趣。
Tell me about your strengths and weaknesses. 告訴我你的強項及弱項。
What would you say is one of your biggest strengths? 你認為你最大的優勢是什麼?
My main strength is that I am extremely hardworking. 我最大的優點是我非常努力。
My biggest strength is my honesty. 我最大的優點就是誠實。
I'm a really quick learner. 我是個學得很快的人。
I'm great with people. 我待人友善。
I'm flexible and reliable. 我懂得變通且可靠。
Where do you see yourself in five years' time?
One of my short-term goals is to be a manager. 其中一項短期目標是當上經理。
My short-term goal is to be a team leader.
My long term goal is to run my own company.
In my free time, I like to do sports and go hiking. 當我有空時,我喜歡運動和爬山。
I've been writing a blog in my free time for 10 years. 我在空閒時間寫部落格已經有10年了。
Great news! So that means I got the job? 好消息!這意味著我得到了這份工作嗎?
Job interviews are stressful. 求職面試的壓力很大。
You want to present yourself in the best possible way. 你想以最好的方式展現自己。
There are a lot of useful tips available online for interview dos and don'ts.
For example, be on time, dress appropriately, look your interviewer in the eye. 舉例來說:準時、穿著得體、注視面試官
Don't say bad things about old jobs, and don't be dishonest. 不要說舊工作的壞話,也不要不誠實。
Of course, you should pay attention to the basic dos and don'ts.
However, it's more important to be prepared to answer interview questions. 然而,更重要的是要做好回答面試問題的準備。
There are typical questions that you can expect. 你可以預測的到些典型的問題。
For example, what are your strengths and weaknesses? 舉例來說:你的優點和缺點是什麼?
Why are you the best person for this position? 為什麼你是這個職位的最佳人選?
Pratice giving your answers aloud. 練習大聲給出答案。
Review and improve your answers. 檢討並改善你的答案。
It's important to be able to to communicate your ideas clearly. 能够清楚地傳達你的想法是很重要的。
Being prepared will give you the confidence to do well in your interview. 做好準備會使你有信心在面試中表現出色。
Q: Why is it useful to follow interview dos and don'ts?
A: to present yourself well
Q: What's an important thing to do before an interview?
A: Pratice answering questions
Q: Why is practicing your answers important?
A: So you can communicate clearly
Q: Overall, what is the article's message?
A: It's important to be ready to answer the questions.
Answering interview questions
Some questions may surprise you in an interview, but there are many standard ones you can prepare for. 有些問題可能會讓你在面試中感到驚訝,但有許多標準的問題可供你準備。
Q: Could you tell me about your education? 妳能告訴我妳的學歷嗎?
A: I have a business degree from Taiwan University. 我擁有台灣大學的商業學位。
Q: Could you tell me a little more about your work experience? 你能告訴我多一點關於你的工作經驗嗎?
A: I've been working in fashion industry for three years. 我已經在時尚界工作3年了。
Q: Why are you interested in this position? 為什麼你對這個職位感到興趣?
A: I'm interested because it offers a chance to work in an exciting company. 我感興趣,因為有機會在一家令人興奮的公司工作。
When asked to describe a weakness, try to explain your weakness in a positive light. 當被要求描述你的弱點時,試著用正面的態度來解釋你的弱點。
Q: What are some of your strengths and weaknesses? 你有那些優缺點?
A: Well, I'm very hard-working and motivated. Sometimes, I get a little too excited, I don't like to wait. 我非常努力和積極。但有時候,我有點太激動了,我不喜歡等待。
An interview will commonly include questions about your career goals. 面試通常會涉及關於你的職業目標的問題。
Q: What are your career goals? 你的職業目標是什麼?
A: I'd like to start my own business. 我想自己創業。
Q: Please tell me a little bit more about your short-term and your long-term career goals. 請告訴我多一點有關你的短期和長期的職涯目標。
A: Short-term, I'd like to improve my skills. Long-term, I'd like to get into magenment. 短期來說,我想提升我的技術。長期而言,我想進入管理階層。
Q: Where do you see yourself and say five or ten years time? 你在未來的5到10年內有什麼規劃?
A: I'd like to own my own company. 我想擁有自己的公司。
Q: What do you think some of strengths and weaknesses? 你認為你的優缺點是什麼?
A: Well, all of my biggest strength is my ability to work with others. I'm a great team player.
Q: What is one of his strengths?
A: He is a team player. 他是名善於團隊合作的人。
Q: And weaknesses? 那缺點呢?
A: Well, sometimes I just get too excited about things. I want everything to happen quickly.
Q: What is one of his weaknesses?
A: He doesn't like to wait.
Q: I see. And why do you want to work for this company?
A: Because you are No.1. You have no real competition that I can see. 因為你是第一名。我看不到你有什麼真正的競爭對手。
Q: What does he say about the company?
A: It's the best in the business. 業界內最好的公司。
Q: And what are your career goals? Say in 2 or 3 years.
A: I see myself in the management position. 我認為自己處於管理職位。
Q: Where does he see himself in a few years?
A: As a manager.
I don't want to be inflexible, but I can't work on the weekends. 我也不想不彈性,但我無法在周末工作。
To be honest, I'm not sure if I understand your question. 老實說,我不確定我是否理解你的問題。
To start with, could you tell me a little more about your education? 首先,能告訴我妳的學歷嗎?
Well, I have a degree in Business from Harvard. 我有哈佛大學的商務學位。
I see. And could you describe to me your work experience? 我知道了。能描述一下妳的工作經歷嗎?
I've been working in the technology industry for 2 years. 我已經在科技業工作兩年了。
And, hmm... Why are you interested in this position? 嗯...為什麼妳對這個職位感興趣?
I'm interested, because it offers a chance for creativity and promotion. 我很感興趣,因為此職位提供了創造力和晉升的機會。
I'd like to know a little bit more about your short-term and your long-term goals. Let's strat with the short-term. Where do you see yourself in two years time? 我想進一步了解妳的短期目標和長期目標。讓我們從短期目標談起。妳未來兩年有什麼目標?
In two years time, I see myself in a management position. 我認為自己兩年內會升為管理職位。
Interested. And where do you see yourself and say 5 or 10 years time? 那5到10年間的目標呢?
Long-term, I'd like to run my own business. 我的長期目標是經營自己的事業。
Well, you certainly seem to be suitable for the position. I'd like you to do a follow-up interview with my colleague. Are you free for another interview next week? 妳似乎很適合這個職位。我希望妳能與我的同事進後下一階段的面試。
Yes, I'm free next week. 沒問題,我下週有時間。
Good. You can make a date with my secretary. Very nice to meet you. 太好了。妳可以和我的秘書約時間。很高興見到妳。
Nice to meet you, too. 我也很高興見到你。