Ending an interview
How you end an interview leaves an important impression on your interviewer. 如何在結束面試時給面試官留下重要的印象。
Here are some tips for how to leave a strong, positive impression.
Ask your own questions.
This shows that you are interested, prepared and curious. 這說明你很感興趣,有準備,也很好奇。
What you ask, of course, will depend on the position and the interview. 當然,你要問的內容取決於職位和面試。
For example, you can ask about the office environment, team members, the compensation or salary range, the benefits package and even how decisions are made in the company. 例如,你可以詢問辦公室環境、團隊成員、薪酬或薪水範圍、福利待遇,甚至公司如何做出決策。
Summarize why you're a good fit. 總結一下為什麼你很合適。
Briefly restate why you are suitable for the position and why you would like to work there. 簡要地重申一下你為什麼適合這個職位,以及為什麼你想在這裡工作。
When you summarize your strengths and show your enthusiasm for the position, you show confidence and leave a good impression. 當你總結自己的優點並表現出對這個職位的熱情時,你就會表現出自信並給人留下好印象。
Ask about next steps in the hiring process.
For example, you can ask when they expect to make a decision. 例如,您可以詢問他們何時會做出決定。
Ask if they need any additional information from you, such as personal references. 詢問他們是否需要你提供任何附加資訊,如個人推薦信。
Q: Why is it important to ask your own questions?
A: It shows you're interested and prepared.
Q: Why do you think 'a good fit' means?
A: the right person for the job
Asking about when they will make a decision is a good idea.
impression 印象
an opinion that you have about someone 你對某人的看法
office environment 辦公環境
the working conditions
salary 薪資
benefits package 福利待遇
health insurance and vacation time 健康保險和休假時間
a good fit 非常適合
haveing the right skills
hiring process 招聘過程
interviewing and making a decision
references 推薦人
people who recommend you
Could you tell me about the office environment? 你可以告訴我辦公室環境的狀況嗎?
The office environment is very informal, but people work hard.
The office environment is friendly but serious. People work hard. 辦公室環境是友好的,但也嚴肅。大家都很努力工作。
It leaves a bad impression to ask about salary at the beginning.
When requested, give two names as your personal references.
I think I'm a good fit for the position. I have the right skills. 我認為我很適合這份職位,我有正確的技能。
The interviewer said that I was a good fit for the position. 面試人員說我很適合這個職位。
The benefits package includes health insurance and paid vacation time.
The company offered excellent compensation, so I accepted the job. 公司提出了很好的薪資,所以我接受了這份工作。
The hiring process took a month from interview to final decision.
So when do you think you'll make a decision? 你認為你什麼時候會做出决定?
Female 2
What is to be honest, I'm looking for someone with more experience, more sales experience.
Q: Does Nina think Kate is a good fit for the job?
A: She isn't sure Kate is experienced enough.
Female 2
But let's stay in touch.
Okay, I really love the stuff in your shop. 我真的很喜歡妳店裡的東西。
Female 2
This belt looks really great with the top you're wearing. 這條皮帶搭配您的上衣看起來很棒。
Female 2
Yeah, maybe.
Okay. Okay.
Female 2
Thanks for coming.
Q: How does Kate leaves a good impression on Nina?
A: She comments on her shop.
Female 2
Female 2 OS
When you count everything.
Kate hadn't the job before, but she is kinder, nice, and fashion.
She says she is a quick learner.
I see.
Q: What will be the next step in the hiring process?
A: Nina will offer the position to Kate.
Asking interview questions
During an interview, make sure you ask some questions.
This shows you are interested and curious about the position. Indirect questions are usually more polite than direct questions.
Look at these examples.
What is the salary?
Can you tell me what the salary is?
Here are some more examples of indirect questions.
Could you tell me what the office environment is like? 你能告訴我辦公室環境如何嗎?
Could you explain how decisions are made?
Can you tell me who the team members are? 你能告訴我團隊成員是誰嗎?
You can also asak indirect questions with these expressions.
Could you tell me a little more about the benefits package?
I was wondering about the salary range. 我想知道薪水範圍。
Would you mind telling me more about your overtime policy? 你介意告訴我更多有關你的加班政策嗎?
So, do you have any questions for me?
Yes, I was wondering if you could tell me about the office environment. 有的,我想了解工作環境的消息。
Well. To be honest, is pretty serious. We were really hard, but people are friendly and helpful. 老實說,是很嚴肅的。我們很努力,但大家都很友善且樂於助人。
I see. And can you explain how marketing decisions are made.
Well. We start with the proposal from the team. The team process with manager. They usually have lots of discussion before a decision is made.
And would mind telling me about the next step in the hiring process?
Certainly. We have several more applicants to interview this week. They will more talk about from references. After that, we will call three people back for the second interviews.
Q: What did Rachel ask about?
A: decisions, the hiring process, office environment
Closing the interview
At the end of the interview, it is customary to stand up and shake hands. 面試結束時,習慣上會站起來握手。
Here are some useful ways to take your leave.
First, thank your interviewer.
It was very nice to meet you. 很高興見到你。
Thank you for the opportunity to interview with your company. 感謝有這個機會與貴公司面談。
Express your interest in the position, offer to provide more information, and say goodbye.
I enjoyed talking with you about the position.
Please let me know if there's any other information I can provide.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
I enjoyed talking with you about the position.
It was very nice to meet you.
Thanks for the opportunity to interview for the job.
Please let me know if there's any other information you need.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Can you tell me what the compensation is?
Compensation is another word for salary.
I was wondering about the benefits package.
Would you mind describing the hiring process?
Let me know if I can provide any more information.
Thanks for the opportunity to interview for the position. 謝謝提供這個職位的面試機會。
I look forward to hearing from you soon. 我期待盡快聽到你的消息。
I look forward to hearing from you next week.
The job applicant seemed impolite. She left a bad impression.
I will use my previous manager as a personal reference.
The hiring process includes three interviews and a reference check.
I enjoyed talking with you about the position.
Please let me know if there's any other information you need.
Would you mind telling me about the compensation?
Certainly. The salary range is from 70-75 thousand, depending on experience. Do you have any other questions?
No, not right now. It was very nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too.
Thanks for the opportunity to interview with your company.
Of course. We'll finish our interviews next week.
OK. I look forward to hearing from you then. 我期待你的消息。
Great. I'll be in touch. 好的。我會保持聯繫。
Thanks very much.