I'm so tired.
I have
I need a sales assisant.
I'm looking for someone with sales experience.
Someone is interested in fashion and design.
hard-working, with clear career goals.
Maybe, a big high expectation.

Hi, Jack.


Thanks to come.

Thank you.

Please sit.
Let's me look at your CV.
Is this?
Hmm... by yourself.

I just finish 8 levels, but I began to 

some sales experience

Yes, ball shop.

And it been here 4 months.
So, why you want to leave?

Well, it's my boss really.

Oh... What do you mean?

Well, he's a difficult man.

Job advertisements (Job ads) 徵才廣告
Jobs advertisements can be found online, in the classified section of newspapers and in professional journals.
A typical adverstisement usually has the following information.

Job title 職稱
office manager 部門經理

Job description 職務描述
Manage office operations and supervise staff of 20. 管理辦公室的運作並監督20名員工。

Job duties 工作職責
Maintain office staff by hiring and training employees. 透過招募及培訓員工來維持辦公室人員的數量。
Assign and monitor tasks among office staff. 分配和監督辦公室人員的任務。

Education / experience 教育背景及經驗
Business degree or equivalent. 商業學位或同等學歷。
Knowledge of management practices and procedures. 了解管理的執行與流程。
Knowledge of human resources practices and procedures. 了解人力資源的執行與程序。
Computer skills and knowledge of office software. 電腦技巧與辦公室相關軟體之操作。

Salary 薪資
$65K annually

Hey, are you stilling looking for a job?

I'm. Why?

I saw an interesting job ad in the paper today.

Q: Where did she see the job ad?
A: in the newspaper

Really? What is the job title?

Computer sales assistant.

Q: What's the job title?
A: sales assistant

It's in a big department store.

That could be good for me. 那對我可能有好處。

Yeah, you have a lot of experience with computers.

Q: What does the man have?
A: experience with computers

We're looking for hardworking and motivated employees. 我們正在招募勤奮且積極的員工。

They're offering an annual salary of $45K. 他們提供的年薪是45000美元。

You must have at least three years' sales experience to apply. 你必須至少有三年的銷售經驗才能申請。

She knows what she wants. 她知道她想要什麼。
She has clear career goals. 她有明確的職業目標。

Can you tell me about your education and experience? 能告訴我你的學歷和經歷嗎?

The job duties are in the job description. 工作職責在工作說明中。

We will have very high expectations of the person we hire. 我們對聘用的人會有很高的期望。

We hired him, as he's hardworking and motivated. 我們聘請了他,因為他勤奮且積極。

I'm looking for someone interested in fashion. 我正在尋找對時尚感興趣的人。

The boss has very high expectations of the staff. 老闆對員工有很高的期望。

I think it's important to have clear career goals. 我認為有明確的職業目標是很重要的。

I have a degree in fashion design from UCLA. 我擁有加州大學洛杉磯分校的時裝設計學位。

Only people with sales experience should apply. 只有具有銷售經驗的人才能申請。

In American English, a resume is an outline of work experience and qualifications used for job applications; a CV(curriculum vitae) is a more thorough, lengthy outline used mostly for academic or scientific applications. 在美式英語中,簡歷為求職者工作經歷與資格之簡要介紹;而履歷是較完整的介紹,且多半用於學術或科學應用的職位。

Could you email me your resume? 你能把你的簡歷發電子郵件給我嗎?

In British English, CV is the term used more broadly for resume, through resume is also used. 在英式英語中,履歷的使用較簡歷為廣泛。

I've had a look at your CV, and I'm impressed. 我看過你的簡歷,給我留下了深刻的印象。

Opportunity in website design for hardworking, motivated person 努力工作、積極進取的人的網站設計機會

Job title: web designer 職位名稱:網頁設計師
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8-5; some evening. Flexibility important. 上班時間:週一至週五,早上8點到下午5點;部分晚上需加班。靈活性很重要。
Pay: based on experience; high $60K 薪酬:根據經驗;最高6萬美元
Job description: Web designer in a small, innovative advertising company. Work closely with manager and salespeople. 職位描述:一家小型創新廣告公司的網頁設計師。與經理和銷售人員密切合作。
Duties and responsibilities: Creating, designing and updating websites for customers. 職責和責任:為客戶創建,設計和更新網站。
Education / experience: College or equivalent. 1-2 years' experience. Excellent writing skills. 學歷/經驗:大專或同等學歷。1到2年的經驗。 優秀的寫作能力。
Please email your resume to: job.barnes@webdesn.com

Q: What is the job being advertised? 招聘的職位是什麼?
A: website designer

Q: What kind of employee is the company looking for? 公司正在尋找什麼樣的員工?
A: hardworking

Q: What is one of the job duties? 什麼是工作職責之一?
A: creating websites

Q: What does someone need for the job? 工作需要什麼?
A:  1-2 years' experience

You should read the job description carefully. 你應該仔細閱讀職位描述。

The salary is $25 an hour. 工資是每小時25美元。

You must have a business degree or equivalent. 你必須具有商務學位或同等學歷。

You need to have knowledge of sales pratices and procedures. 你需要有銷售做法和程序方面的知識。

The job duties include monitoring the tasks of office staff. 該工作職責包括監督辦公室工作人員的任務。

We have very high expectations of the person we hire. 我們對僱用的人抱有很高的期望。

I am writing in response to your job advertisement. 我正在回應你的招聘廣告。

I have attached my resume to this email. 我已經把我的簡歷附在這封電子郵件中了。

I look forward to hearing from you. 我期待著得到你的消息。
補充: http://jenny-liveabc.blogspot.com/2013/09/look-forward-to-seeing-you.html


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